Daily Humble Bundle
Usually we announce a Humble Bundle each week, where you can purchases a group of games for whatever price you wish to pay. The games are DRM-free and part of the money goes to charity.
Well, good news everyone! Humble bundle is now doing a rapid-fire series of releases and will be announcing a new bundle every day. That is right, each day we get the chance to purchase awesome, cross-platform games for whatever price we wish to pay and part of the money goes to charities.
Today’s bundle is describe thusly:
Today only, pay what you want for Saints Row: The Third, Saints Row 2, Risen 2: Dark Waters and Sacred 2: Gold Edition. Pay more than the average price to also receive Dead Island GOTY, Saints Row: The Third – The Full DLC Package, Metro 2033, Risen and Sacred Citadel. If you pay $9 or more, you’ll also unlock Dead Island: Riptide – Complete Edition!
You can also choose how your purchase is allocated: to the developers and/or two vital causes, Child’s Play Charity and the American Red Cross.